Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Yes I did it!

Yes, I managed to pass my driving test but not with flying colours though. But at least I passed with a "HIGH" score of 18 :). So I am a qualified driver as of yesterday and I am ready to be on the road..Becareful all drivers out there Hahaha..

So here's a summary of how I chalked up a total of 18 points:
4pts: Change Lane Abruptly
8 pts: Not enough side clearance given to other road users
2 pts: Sharp turn
4 pts: Fail to check blind spot

Seems like I am not such a dangerous driver right?

I had a warm up lesson with my instructor in the circuit just before my test. I was toally nervous and couldn't drive like i used to.. I couldn't turn properly, couldn't park properly and all. My instructor was scolding me and said that with this driving technique i sure can't pass my test later on..Upon hearing that, I totally lost my morale...

But thankfully, the tester was nice and he managed to calm me down and I drove as per normal and wan't nervous at all...Thank goodness for that...I got route 9 for my test which I didn't even know which route was tat as my instructor never told me about this..but i heard route 9 is a easy route for test..which turned out everything was completed smoothly...

Am glad i managed to pass my test on the first attempt. So means, next time i can drive ard and bring pirate & gerger out more often ON MY OWN :)

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